Delivery Note:
Mom ID: Age, GTPAL, Weeks Gestation at delivery, GBS Status, Blood group, other pertaining labwork (TSH, VZV, Rubella, Chlamydia/Gonorrhea/Herpes, Diabetes)
Time of membrane rupture:
Time of labour onset:
Time of delivery baby delivery:
Type of delivery: Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery, or Assisted vaginal delivery (vacuum or forceps), or C-Section.
Baby: Sex, perinatal complications (None or Nuchal chord, meconium, shoulder dystocia, spontaneous breathing or required BiPAP?, Hypoglycemia, Hyperbilirubinemia), APGARS at 1, 5 and 10 mins, weight, time at cord clamping (e.g. 1 min)
Maternal Complications: None or Episiotomy, laceration repair (what degree?), post-partum hemorrhage or infection.
Placenta: Time of placenta delivery, spontaneous or required gentle cord tug or other interventions, placental anatomy (Intact?, multiglobular), Number of cord vessels
Most responsible physician: Name of person delivering baby (Fam dr, OB, midwife)
Type of anaesthesia used and Anesthetist name
Where is the baby and mom admitted to?