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Dermatology Clinic

Welcome to your comprehensive virtual Dermatology Clinic. We at MedHub believe that Dermatology is a recognition science, the more you see, the more equipped you are to detect these conditions in your patients. Due to copyright issues and time limitation, dermatology has been poorly covered in medical schools during both clinical and pre-clinical years even though 54% of the general population will complain of a dermatological issue arising within the preceeding 12 months and 30% of all primary care visits are derm related. Thus, we offer this education resource to arm our students with all they need to succeed in primary care and beyond.


The below flashcards were modelled on the LMCC exit dermatology competancy. Please study these flashcards till  you are able to obtain 100% x 3 times.


Wolff, K., & Johnson, R. A. (2009). Fitzpatrick's color atlas and synopsis of clinical dermatology. McGraw Hill.

Describing Lesions:

Primary Lesions:


Secondary Lesions:



Copstead, L. E. C., Banasik, J. L., & Emerson, R. J. (1999). Pathophysiology: Biological and Behaviorial Perspectives. Saunders.

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